Thought for Today – 1/21/13

I stayed home from work today because I might still be contagious with whatever it is that I have, and I need one more day to rest.  I didn’t really just stay home, I worked from home.  At least I was in my pajamas, and was comfortable in my fleece blanket.

I felt better this afternoon; I had my Tom Yum Gai and Thai fried rice leftovers for lunch.  I’m starting to really taste that spicy-ness in the Thai food.  Today, I also had time to think about my training and strategy.  I had a LOT of chamomile tea and honey to soothe my coughing, and definitely had a LOT of liquids.

Even though I missed a weekend of training, I did not want to stress out.  I just went back ot my old blog post about my past training, and read my race report about AR 50, for some inspiration.  Man, I am also inspired by what I have done!  If I can run 40 miles, then I can run 50 miles!  I will try to go for an easy run tomorrow night, maybe at the Track workout, but will take it easy.  It’s a good thing it is getting warmer, but i will still wear my long sleeves and long pants.